
São Paulo’s Housing Movement Organizations: Activists Squat, Lobby, and Protest for Affordable Housing

Housing Movement Organizations (HMOs) in São Paulo, Brazil, work to solve homelessness where housing far outpaces wages. HMOs occupy abandoned buildings, often shoveling out truckloads of garbage, to create apartments for families who work paycheck-to-paycheck.

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UK’s Embassy Village: Collaborating Across Public, Private, and Nonprofit Sectors to Tackle Rough Sleeping

Greater Manchester, England, has the third highest population of rough sleepers (people living on the streets) in the United Kingdom. In 2017, the city’s mayor pledged to end all forms of homelessness.

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San Rafael: How Uncommon Stakeholder Alliances Reduced Chronic Homelessness

In early 2016, San Rafael, California, created a new position - Director of Homeless Planning and Outreach. The goal was to solve this complex social challenge, particularly when it came to the chronically unhoused. The new employee, and UC Berkeley Haas MBA grad, applied systems modeling to view this old problem in a new way.

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Father Joe’s Villages: How a One-Stop-Shop Tackles Homelessness in San Diego

Father Joe’s Villages (FJV), a nonprofit in San Diego, California, seeks to prevent and end homelessness. FJV developed a wide variety of support from housing, meals, health care, after-school programs, employment support, vocational training, and chaplaincy.

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The Berkeley-Haas Case Series is a collection of business case studies written by Haas faculty. Our culture and vision at the Haas School of Business naturally offer distinctive qualities to the Series, filling a gap in existing case offerings by drawing upon lessons from UC Berkeley's rich history and prime location in the San Francisco Bay Area. We seek to publish cases that challenge conventional assumptions about business, science, culture, and politics.

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Berkeley Haas Case Series

A new collection of business case studies from Berkeley Haas

The aim of the Berkeley Haas Case Series is to incite business innovation by clarifying disruptive trends and questioning the status quo.

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