Leading Through Influence at Scale: Open Source Security at the Linux Foundation

by Henry W. Chesbrough

The Linux Foundation (LF) is a non-profit consortium of devoting to supporting the worldwide ecosystem of open source software (OSS) developers. While LF supports a wide-range of OSS projects, those projects’ developers are not LF employees. This created a challenge when, in late 2021, a major security vulnerability was discovered in log4j, a widely-used piece of OSS. Amid the fallout, LF President Jim Zemlin was invited to the White House and asked to generate a plan to make OSS more secure. With no direct power over developers, what options are available to Zemlin? Which should he choose?

Learning Objectives

1) To understand the economics of open source software development. 2) To examine the soft power options available to non-profit industry consortia to effect change. 3) To explore the interaction of for-profit tech companies and non-profits in the creation of open source software.


Pub Date: October 1, 2022

Discipline: Technology

Subjects: Computer software, Software development, Open source, Open source software, IT governance, Nonprofit organizations, Cyber attacks, Security

Product #: B6019-PDF-ENG

Industry: Software publishing, Technology

Geography: United States

Length: 10 page(s)

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Berkeley Haas Case Series The Berkeley Haas Case Series is a collection of business case studies written by faculty members at the Haas School of Business. Cases are conceived, developed, written, and published throughout the year, on subjects ranging from entrepreneurship and strategy to finance and marketing. Each case includes a teaching note for use in the classroom.


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