Levi Strauss & Co.: Driving Adoption of Green Chemistry

by Robert Strand and Martin Mulvihill

This case examines the challenges and opportunities faced by Levi Strauss & Co. (LS&Co.) as it attempts to help establish a cross-industry sustainability initiative to eliminate hazardous chemicals in the apparel supply chain. LS&Co.'s Screened Chemistry Program screened chemical formulations against human and environmental health hazard endpoints before they chemicals entered the supply chain. This shift represents a radical departure from the status quo that requires widespread collaboration across the industry to implement. This case explores the associated challenges and opportunities to achieve cross-industry collaboration to achieve a sustainability objective.

Learning Objectives

Explain and illustrate LS&Co's challenges related to advancing sustainability within their manufacturing supply chain. Explain industry wide approaches to sustainability, in this case chemicals management, and certification programs.


Pub Date: Jun 30, 2016

Revision Date: Jul 15, 2016

Discipline: Operations Management

Subjects: Manufacturing, Collaboration, Social responsibility, Sustainability, Supply chain management, Green business

Product #: B5867-PDF-ENG

Industry: Chemicals, Apparel, Manufacturing

Geography: United States, Asia, Europe

Length: 21 page(s)

Berkeley Haas Case Series
Berkeley Haas Case Series The Berkeley Haas Case Series is a collection of business case studies written by faculty members at the Haas School of Business. Cases are conceived, developed, written, and published throughout the year, on subjects ranging from entrepreneurship and strategy to finance and marketing. Each case includes a teaching note for use in the classroom.


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