Revolution Foods: Expansion into the CPG Market

by Jennifer Walske and Laura D'Andrea Tyson

The Revolution Foods (RevFoods) case study focuses on a fast growing, $100 million for profit organization, that has become a high profile social enterprise, known initially for its healthy school lunch program. This case's focus is on how RevFoods has now chosen to enter the large and competitive consumer packaged goods (CPG) market, with the goal of becoming a trusted healthy meal product brand, suitable not just for kids, but also for families. This case outlines the challenges in managing two distinctive sets of distribution channels, one of which is through the public school system, and the other through major food retailers. This case also reviews the history of RevFoods and its growth over the last nine year's since the company's founding.

Learning Objectives

To teach students about a high-growth 'B Lab Certified' corporation that is focused not only on profits, but also on social responsibility.


Pub Date:

Jul 30, 2015

Revision Date:

Jul 1, 2016

Discipline: Social Enterprise

Subjects: Corporate social entrepreneurship, Social entrepreneurship, Nonprofit organizations, Consumer behavior, Consumers, Corporate strategy, Social responsibility

Product #: B5845-PDF-ENG

Industry: Retail trade, Food, Food services

Geography: United States, California

Length: 9 page(s)

Berkeley Haas Case Series
Berkeley Haas Case Series The Berkeley Haas Case Series is a collection of business case studies written by faculty members at the Haas School of Business. Cases are conceived, developed, written, and published throughout the year, on subjects ranging from entrepreneurship and strategy to finance and marketing. Each case includes a teaching note for use in the classroom.


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